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  2. Publish
  3. Getting Started with Publish

How do I log in to Publish?

Learn how to securely log in to Publish and troubleshoot login issues.

To access Publish, you’ll need a registered email address associated with your DataEQ account. Publish uses secure authentication to ensure only authorized users can manage content.

How to Log in to Publish

  1. Go to the Publish login page: https://engage.dataeq.com.
  2. Enter your registered email address and click Login.
  3. Check your inbox for a one-time login link.
  4. Click the link (or copy and paste it into your browser).
  5. Click Confirm Login to access Publish.

Troubleshooting Login Issues

  1. Didn’t receive the login email?
    1. Check your spam or junk folder.
    2. Ensure you’re using the correct email address associated with Publish.
  2. Login link expired?
    1.  Repeat steps 1-5 to request a new login link.
  3. Still can’t log in?
    1. Contact your team administrator or email support@dataeq.com for assistance.

Best Practices for Secure Access

  • Use your work email for consistency.
  • Bookmark the login page for quick access.
  • Ensure your inbox is secure to prevent unauthorized logins.