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How do I use the content tab filter in Analyse?

Learn how to filter mentions based on specific keywords, search terms, and exclusions using the Content Tab in Analyse.

How to Apply Content Tab Filters

  1. Log in to Analyse at https://analyse.dataeq.com.
  2. Open a dashboard or the Mentions Panel.
  3. Click on the Filter icon at the top of the page.
  4. Select the Content Tab from the filter panel.
  5. Apply any of the following filters:
  • Search Terms: Enter a word or phrase to find mentions containing that text.
  • Multiple Search Terms: Click Add Phrase to add more keywords.
  • Exclude Words: Use the minus (-) sign before a word to exclude it.
  • Partial Word Searches: Use an asterisk (*) for partial word matches. (Ie, invest* will capture investor, investments, investing)

Content tab

  6.   Click Ok to update the dashboard or mention panel.

Examples of Content Tab Filters

Find mentions containing a specific keyword:

  • Enter "delivery issue" to see all mentions that include that phrase.

Find mentions containing any of multiple terms:

  • Enter "shipping delay" OR "order problem" to include both.

Exclude mentions with certain words:

  • Enter "-compliment" to remove positive mentions from your analysis.

Wildcard search:

  • Enter "custom"* to include mentions with custom, customise, customised, etc.

Best Practices for Using the Content Tab Filter

  • Use an asterisk (*) to expand your search to similar words.
  • Combine multiple keywords to refine searches.
  • Exclude common words that might clutter your results.

Troubleshooting Content Tab Filters

  • Issue: "My keyword search is returning too many irrelevant results"
    • Add more specific search terms.
    • Use negative filters (-word) to exclude irrelevant mentions.
  • Issue: "My filtered search is showing no results"
    • Check your spelling and formatting of search terms.
    • Remove excessively restrictive filters and try again.