
Woolworths SA’s top retailer according to customers

Written by DataEQ | Jul 22, 2024 1:38:04 PM


Woolworths has once again emerged as the best grocery retailer in South Africa according to DataEQ’s latest SA Retail Sentiment Index

The report is based on an analysis of over 1.8 million consumer posts on social media towards Checkers, Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Spar and Woolworths. 

Leading the pack

Woolworths topped the rankings with a Net Sentiment score of 19.5%, 10.7 percentage points above the industry average. This high score reflects the brand's ability to generate positive consumer sentiment despite the macro-economic challenges facing the retail industry.

Reputational efforts and strategic campaigns drive up sentiment 

A key factor contributing to Woolworths' success over the past year was its superior reputational Net Sentiment. Seasonal campaigns like #WooliesChristmas and #WooliesBlackFriday played a crucial role in generating positive sentiment. 

Campaigns quality over quantity 

Woolworths had the highest share of voice for all key national holiday campaigns, except for Back to School, and made up more than half of the industry volume for Easter, Mother’s Day, Christmas and Valentines Day, despite only driving 6% of enterprise posts in the industry. 

Woolworths achieved the highest share of voice for most key national holiday campaigns, despite only driving 6% of enterprise posts in the industry. This shows Woolworths was able to generate high volumes of consumer conversation by posting fewer but more engaging posts. 

Superior product quality and house brands

Woolworths' commitment to product quality was another significant driver of its positive sentiment. The retailer outperformed competitors in discussions about house brands, product quality, and taste. Woolworths' private-label products, particularly those offered at in-store kiosks, received high praise from consumers. 

Delivery service leads the way 

Woolworths Dash, the retailer's delivery app, contributed to Woolworths' top ranking in the Index. The app registered the highest Net Sentiment among all delivery services, garnering positive feedback for its user-friendly interface, timely deliveries, and order fulfillment.

Governance and ethical practices

Woolworths also performed well in the area of governance and ethical practices. The retailer recorded the highest volumes of environmental, social and governance (ESG) related conversation, while also receiving the highest proportion of positive ESG conversation. Woolworths' corporate social investment initiatives, ethical business practices, and commitment to sustainability, in particular, resonated well with consumers, further enhancing the brand's positive image.

Moving forward 

Woolworths' top ranking in the SA Retail Sentiment Index is testament to its continued focus on delivering high quality products and services. By continuing to leverage its strengths and address areas of improvement, Woolworths is well-positioned to sustain its success in the market and meet the evolving needs of its consumers.