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AI potential meets human precision

We use a blend of AI and human intelligence to structure data at scale

DataEQ is a data as a service company that has pioneered a unique approach to structuring social media data through the synergy of AI and human intelligence. Utilising AI for the initial heavy lifting, we label millions of unstructured data points. This data is refined by our global Crowd of human contributors resulting in reliable, actionable first-party data you can trust.

Trusted by the world's leading organisations

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Elevate CX with data-driven decisions

Customer Experience

DataEQ's Customer Experience offering is an insights-based solution, helping you to identify areas of friction and opportunity in your customer journey. The solution uses the Purchase, Cancel and Service tags which help identify actionable opportunities for improvement.



Measure CX performance with Net Sentiment

Net Sentiment is an aggregated and real-time customer satisfaction metric that is critical in the quest for an authentic voice-of-customer measurement framework.


Get operational feedback distilled for CX

Using human insight, we separate CX conversation from reputational conversation to ensure CX performance is not skewed by marketing efforts.


Map online conversation to the customer journey

Understand customer feedback in relation to the customer lifecycle and monitor sentiment by journey stage.


Gain granular insights for root cause analysis

Get a deeper understanding of the specific topics affecting customer sentiment in order to conduct root cause analysis.


Respond to the most important conversations first

Customer Service

DataEQ’s Customer Service solution helps you to react to opportunities, risks, and service requests in real time. By prioritising tickets based on their urgency and importance, the solution reduces social noise and improves response rate with an optimised customer care workflow.



Optimised workflow for better response rate

Our proprietary prioritisation method allows your customer-facing agents to focus on serving the customer and not have to worry about finding the important tickets in a messy queue.


A powerful social customer service platform

Our social customer care platform, Engage, is used to respond to your customers and our Analyse tool can be used to measure and report on the teams’ service performance.


React in real time to acquire new customers and reduce churn

Your service teams are able to react to opportunities, risks and customer service requests in real time.



Unparalleled accuracy driven by human insights

All of your social media conversations are tagged by our Crowd of contributors, using human insight to assess relevance, meaning, and priority level.


30hr improvement 

in Virgin Active's response rate

Previously, our agents were responding directly on social platforms, which came with all sorts of complications and pitfalls. By streamlining our efforts, Engage has completely systemised Virgin Active’s social customer service offering, which has ultimately made our agents’ lives much easier. The tool is stable, intuitive and comes with the added benefit of a great technical support team who goes above and beyond to provide immediate and personalised service - this enables us to offer the same superior level of assistance on our social platforms at all times.

Jacqui Walter, Customer Engagement Manager

Ensure compliance with real-time regulatory reporting


DataEQ’s Governance solution encompasses the spheres of market conduct, risk and ESG. By bringing these three focal points together, the solution offers a holistic approach to balancing the interests of a company’s many stakeholders.




Through data mapping, timeously prioritise and address conduct complaints before they are lodged with complaints authorities.



Risk tagging via the Crowd prioritises online mentions in real time for response, risk alerts, and reporting.




An ESG Net Sentiment score mapped against a detailed framework within the environmental, social, and governance categories.

Be the first to know about a high risk mention

Risk and Reputation

DataEQ’s Risk and Reputation Management solution is designed to protect against reputational and organisational damage by identifying and alerting you to all potentially damaging social media conversations in real time.



Stay on top of risks with real-time monitoring

We identify each and every risk-related mention contained in your online conversation to ensure all bases are covered. 


A rapid early warning system

Receive risk alerts notifying you of unusual spikes in risk conversation. This allows you to address significant issues before they escalate online or in the press.


Proactively intervene and minimise damage

Identify the risks that require your urgent attention and respond using the DataEQ Engage tool.



Develop a data-led strategy

Continuous monitoring of risk-related conversation enables organisations to measure the impact of their tactics and adjust their strategy accordingly.


Featured Research

uk-esg-fashion-index-2023-research-page-image-3 Learn more


This index uses a consumer-driven lens to deliver strategic insight around key themes driving negative and positive interactions towards ESG initiatives of UK retailers.


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The latest UK Insurance Index, in collaboration with PwC, focuses on the role that social media data can play in Consumer Duty compliance


ksa-banking-net-sentiment-research-page-img_homepage-article@2x-Apr-04-2024-10-24-19-6566-AM Learn more

Despite consumers having a negative overall experience with their banks, the industry saw a major improvement from 2022.


sa-banking-index-2023-research-page-img_homepage-article@2x-Apr-04-2024-10-24-30-1410-AM Learn more

This year's South African Banking Sentiment Index reflects a remarkable narrative of growth and resilience for the industry.


Find and prioritise your most valuable
customer interactions