Key metrics
Industry Net Sentiment
Highest overall Net Sentiment: 1st Central
Lowest Net Sentiment: Direct Line
The 2024 DataEQ UK Insurance: Consumer Duty Index, analysed over 300 000 consumer online posts from X and Trustpilot, from 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024 shedding light on whether or not insurers are delivering on customer expectation as set out in Consumer Duty.
Insurers included in this year’s study: 1st Central, Admiral, Aviva, Axa, Direct Line, Hastings Direct, Policy Expert and NFU Mutual

1st Central
topped the overall and Consumer Duty Net Sentiment rankings

5 out of 10 mentions
on social media referenced a potential Consumer Duty theme
Content featured in report:
- The prevalence of Consumer Duty conversation on social media and review sites
- Consumer Duty brand ranking per outcome, why is leading and who is lagging behind
- Root cause analysis per outcomes - what is driving complaints and praise
- Trustpilot effect - how review sites are boosting public sentiment
- Invited feedback masking operational failings - unpacking the underlying customer service challenges